Hossein Khalili
Position: Sr. Associate Dean of the School of Health Sciences Department: School of Health Sciences
Contact Info
Office: F.L. Atkins Health Sciences, Room 213 Phone: (336) 750-2272 Email: khalilih@wssu.edu
Dr. Hossein Khalili, BScN, MScN, PhD, FNAP, is a globally recognized scholar, expert, and visionary leader in the fields of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP), as well as healthcare resilience and transformation. He serves as the Senior Associate Dean of the WSSU School of Health Sciences, the President of InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global), and a Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP).
Dr. Khalili's work in IPECP is firmly grounded in research and exemplified by his demonstrated expertise in interprofessional research and scholarship. His research program focuses on interprofessional education and socialization, team-based care, patient engagement and partnership, and healthy aging. Dr. Khalili's pioneering work on the Interprofessional Socialization and Dual Identity Framework has significantly influenced the landscape of healthcare education and practice in the U.S. and internationally.
With over 2500 citations, 250+ publications, presentations, and keynotes, 30 research projects totaling over $12 million, and numerous research and teaching awards—including the Global Interprofessional Collaboration Excellence Award, AIHC Interprofessional Scholarship Award, and Ontario Nurse Educator Award—Dr. Khalili continues to drive transformative changes in healthcare. He is the lead author of several national and global policy and discussion papers on topics such as health equity and social justice, IPECP in the Post-COVID Healthcare Transformation Era, Building and Advancing Healthcare Resilience, and Guidance on Global IPECP Research. Additionally, he has (co)developed and standardized several IPECP assessment tools, including the Dual Identity Scale (DIS), the Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS), and the Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scales (ISVS, ISVS-A, & ISVS-B).
Research and Project Interests
- Interprofessional Research and Scholarship
- Health Equity and Social Justice
- a) Recent Books & Chapters:
- Lackie*, K., Khalili*, H., Gilbert, J., Bookey-Bassett, S., Cutler, S., Dixon, K., Fricke, M., Greene, C., Harvan, R., Jessen, J., Langlois, S., Macdonald, L., Maxwell, B., McCarten, C., Najjar, G., Park, V., Saad, A., Syvaoja, K., Schneider, C.(2024). The Transformative Power of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Social Justice in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice – Discussion Paper, Joint E-Book Publication by InterprofessionalResearch.Global, Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative & American Interprofessional Health Collaborative, ISBN: 978-1-7366963-4-7. Published by: https://interprofessionalresearch.global/
*Co-First Authors
- Khalili, H., Park, V., Daulton, B., Langlois, S., Wetzlmair, L. C., MacMillan, K. M., El-Awaisi, A., Green, C., Ballard, J., Pandey, J. Konrad, S. C., Frost, J., Başer Kolcu, M. I.., Kolcu, G., McCartan, C., Baugh, G., Gaboury, I., Breitbach, A., Brown, R., Pfeifle, A. (2022). Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) in Post-COVID Healthcare Education and Practice Transformation Era – Discussion Paper. Joint Publication by InterprofessionalResearch.Global, American Interprofessional Health Collaborative & Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative, ISBN: 978-1-7366963-3-0. Published by: www.interprofessionalresearch.global
- Khalili, H., Lackie, K., Langlois, S., Wetzlmair, L.C., & Working Group (2022). 2022 Global IPE Situational Analysis Result Final Report. InterprofessionalResearch.Global Publication (ISBN: 978-1-7366963-2-3). Published by: www.interprofessionalresearch.global
- Khalili, H., Gilbert, J., Lising, D., MacMillan, K. M., Xyrichis, A. (2021). Proposed lexicon for the interprofessional field. A reprint publication by InterprofessionalResearch.Global (ISBN: 978-1-7366963-1-6). Published by: https://interprofessionalresearch.global/
- Khalili, H., Lising, D., Gilbert, J. Thistlethwaite, J., Pfeifle, A., Maxwell, B., Başer Kolcu, I., Langlois, S., Najjar, G., MacMillan, K. Al-Hamdan, Z., K., Schneider, C. R., Kolcu, G., El-Awaisi, A., Ward, H., Rodrigues, F. J., (2021). Building Resilience in Health Care in the time of COVID-19 through Collaboration - A Call to Action. InterprofessionalResearch.Global Publication (ISBN: 978-1-7366963-0-9). Published by: www.interprofessionalresearch.global
- Khalili, H. (2020). The resurgence of the global research interprofessional network Leadership. In Thistlethwaite, J., Forman, D., Resilience and Sustainability in Interprofessional Collaboration. Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- Khalili, H., Thistlethwaite, J., El-Awaisi, A., Pfeifle, A., Gilbert, J., Lising, D., MacMillan, K., J. Maxwell, B., Grymonpre, R.E., Rodrigues F. F., Snyman, S., Xyrichis, A. (2019). Guidance on Global Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research: Discussion Paper. A joint publication by InterprofessionalResearch.Global & Interprofessional.Global. Available in English, Spanish and Porthegius at: www.interprofessionalresearch.global.
- b) Recent Peer-reviewed Papers:
- Khalili H. (2024). Transforming Health Care Delivery: Innovations in Payment Models for Interprofessional Team Based Care, North Carolina Medical Journal, 5(3)
- Khalili, H., Lackie, K., Langlois, S., da Silva Souza, C. M., & Wetzlmair, L. C. (2024). The status of interprofessional education (IPE) at regional and global levels–update from 2022 global IPE situational analysis. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 38:2, 388-393, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2023.2287023
- Langlois S., Mendes C., Xyrichis A., Kolcu I., Lising D., Najjar G., Khalili H. (2024). Evolving Global Responses to the Pandemic: Sustaining Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-6, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2024.2317257
- Khalili, H., Pandey, J. Langlois, S., Park, V., Brown, R., El-Awaisi, A., MacMillan, K. M., Daulton, B., Green, C., Konrad, S. C., Kolcu, G., Başer Kolcu, M. I.., Baugh, G., Pfeifle, A. Wetzlmair, L. C., Breitbach, A. (2024). Forward Thinking and Adaptability to Sustain and Advance IPECP in Healthcare Transformation Following the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 22(1)
- Wenker, S., Kieu, C., Felten, K., Smith, K. Schroepfer, T., Khalili, H. (2023). Development of a micro-credential curriculum: The Interprofessional Dementia Caregiving Telehealth Community Practicum Badge. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 21(1).
- Ruebling, I., Eggenberger, T., Frost, J., Ganzfried, E., Greer, A., Khalili H., Ochs, J., Ronnebaum, J., Stein S. (2023). Interprofessional Collaboration for Health Improvement or Interprofessional Collaboration: A Public Policy Healthcare Transformation Call for Action, Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice
- Xyrichis A., Khalili H., Lising D., Kolcu I., Najjar G., Langlois S. (2023). The perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on interprofessional education and collaborative practice: Preliminary results from phase I of a global survey. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-6
- Smith, L., Romito, L., Congdon, H., Ascione, F., Fitzgerald, M., Karpa, K., Pfeifle, A., Sick, B., Khalili, H. (2022). Initial Efforts to Manage IPE during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reports from the Big Ten IPE Academic Alliance. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 20(3).
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Birkeland, L., Cotter, M., Weber, B., Schiller, J., Rusch, R. (2022). Micro-Credentials In IPE: The IPE Path of Distinction and Badger Programs in University of Wisconsin-Madison. Collaborative Healthcare, Thomas Jefferson University
- Khalili, H., Lising, D., Kolcu, G., Thistlethwaite, J., Gilbert, J., Langlois, S., ... & Pfeifle, A. (2021). Advancing health care resilience through a systems-based collaborative approach: Lessons learned from COVID-19. Journal of interprofessional care, 35(6), 809-812.
- Khalili, H. Breitbach, A., Jensen, G., King, S., Maxwell, B., Nickol, D., Pfeifle, A., Gilbert, J. (2021). Global Leadership in IPECP Research; an Intro to Co-Creation of Best Practice Guidelines. Journal of Interprofessional Practice and Education, Early Online, doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2021.100445
- Khalili, H., Price, S., (2021). From uniprofessionality to interprofessionality: dual vs dueling identities in healthcare. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-6, Early Online, doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2021.1928029
- Price, L., Sim, M. Little, V., Almost, J. Andrews, C. Davies, H., Harman, K., Khalili, H., Sutton, H., LeBrun, J. (2021). Longitudinal, Narrative Study of Professional Socialization Among Health Students. Medical Education, 55(4), 478-485, doi.org/10.1111/medu.14437
- Orchard, C., Mahler, C., Khalili, H. (2021). Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale for Students – AITCS-II (Student): Development and Testing. Journal of Allied Health, 50(1), 1E-7E
- Khalili, H., (2020). Online Interprofessional Education during and post-COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), 687-690.
- Khalili, H., & Orchard, C. (2020). The effects of an IPS-based IPE program on interprofessional socialization and dual identity development. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-11. doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2019.1709427
- Khalili, H., Xyrichis, A. (2020). A longitudinal survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on interprofessional education and collaborative practice: a study protocol. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), 691-693.
- Lackie, K., Najjar, G., El-Awaisi, A., Frost, J., Green, C., Langlois, S., Lising, D., Pfeifle, A., Ward, H., Xyrichis, A., Khalili, H. (2020). Interprofessional education and collaborative practice research during the COVID-19 pandemic: Considerations to advance the field. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), 583-586.
- Langlois, S., Xyrichis, A., Daulton, B., Gilbert., J., Lackie, K., Lising, D., MacMillan, K., Najjar, G., Pfeifle, A., Khalili, H. (2020). The COVID-19 Crisis Silver Lining: Interprofessional Education to Guide Future Innovation. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), 587-592.
- Price, S. L., Sim, M., Little, V., Almost, J., Andrews, C., Davies, H., Harman, K., Khalili, H., Reeves, S., Sutton, E., & LeBrun, J. (2019). Pre-entry perceptions of students entering five health professions: Implications for interprofessional education and collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 35(1), 83-91
- Harman, K., Sim, M., LeBrun, J., Almost, J., Andrews, C., Davies, H., Khalili, H., Sutton, E. and Price, S., (2019). Physiotherapy: an active, transformational, and authentic career choice. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 37(5), 594-607. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1639230
- King, G., Orchard, C, Khalili, H., Avery, L. (2016). Refinement of the interprofessional socialization and valuing scale (ISVS-21) and development of 9-item equivalent versions. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 36(3), 171-177. DOI: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000082.
- Khalili, H. (2015). Clinical Simulation Practice Framework: A Knowledge-To-Action Strategy in Health Professional Education. The Clinical Teacher, 12(1), 32–36.
- Regan, S., Orchard, C., Khalili, H., Brunton, L., Leslie, K. (2015). Legislating Interprofessional Collaboration: A Policy Analysis of Health Professional Regulatory Legislation in Ontario, Canada, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(4),359-64. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2014.1002907.
- Khalili, H., Hall, J., DeLuca, S. (2014). Historical analysis of professionalism in western societies: implications for interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Journal of interprofessional care, 28: 1-6, DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2013.869197.
- Khalili, H., Orchard. C., Laschinger, H. K, Farah, R. (2013). An interprofessional socialization framework for developing an interprofessional identity among health professions students. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 27(6), 448- 453; DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2013.804042.
- Thistlethwaite JE, Khalili H, Grymonpre R, Gilbert J, Atack L, Espin S, Donelly C, Iglarsh A, Green C, Riva JJ, Hean S, Namavarian A. (2013). Introducing the Global Research Interprofessional Network (GRIN). Journal of Interprofessional Care; 27(2), 107-109; DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2012.718814.
- Orchard, C., King, G., Khalili, H., Bezzina, M.B., (2012). Assessment of interprofessional Team Collaborative Practice (AITCS): development and testing of the instrument. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 32(1), 58–67.
- Vingilis, E., Forchuk, C., Orchard, C., Shaw, L., King, G., McWilliam, C., Khalili, H., Edwards, B. (2011). Development, implementation and formative evaluation of pre-licensure workshops using participatory action research to facilitate interprofessional, client-centred mental health care. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Education (JRIPE), 2.1, 25-48.
- Suter, E., Lait, J., MacDonald, L., Wener, P., Law, R., Khalili, H., McCarthy, P. (2011). A strategic approach to building research capacity in interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration. Healthcare Quarterly 14(2):54-60.
Works Submitted for Publication
- Khalili H. (2024, Revision Submitted). Learning Theories and their Applications in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP), Journal of Interprofessional Care
- Tucker, C., Keyel, J., Blue, A., Chun, R., Estrada, A., Khalili, H., ... & Webb, T. L. (Under Review). The Intersection of Interprofessional Education and One Health: A Qualitative Study in Human and Veterinary Medical Institutions. Available at SSRN 4812778.