Bridge project to connect Lowery Street, main campus

If you have visited Winston-Salem State University in recent weeks, you would have noticed that as you turn left off of Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive on to Cromartie Street behind K.R. Williams Auditorium, you saw bulldozers, cranes, and construction vehicles. They were all a part of a three-tiered construction project, which called for the building of a bridge, access road, and a 160-space parking lot.
The North Entry Bridge, access road, and parking lot project is nearly complete and will open within the next few weeks for university traffic.
The main purpose of the project is to connect the Lowery Street buildings, which house WSSU’s Facilities, engineering offices, and purchasing and account payable to the main campus.
The 125-foot-long bridge will permit two-way vehicular traffic and provides a eight-foot-wide pedestrian sidewalk. The access road will connect Cromartie Street and Lowery Street.
“The road and bridge will be for university use only,” said university engineer Nasser Massry. “There will be parking lots on both sides of the new access road as well as a bus shelter.”
The $5.5 million project is expected to be complete by the beginning of the 2016 fall semester – weather and railroad approval permitting.