Student ambassador offers future Rams a genuine tour

From large group tours with as many as 160 teenagers to a tour of two, Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) Campus Ambassador Naviyea Adams says he makes sure to tell future Rams and their families what he wishes he would have known.
Adams, a junior physical education major from Fayetteville, applied to conduct campus tours as a freshman to learn more about WSSU's campus. Over the past three years, he's conducted dozens of tours, ending each tour with a smile.
Here are 8 Questions With … Campus Ambassador Naviyea Adams.
What do you like most about your job?
What I love about my job is the people I work with! Ms. Niyah Sansbury, Mrs. Angela Beatty and Mr. Joel Lee are very supportive and loving. They are also very big on making the campus tour experience the best every single time. I also love that I get to change someone's perspective. Being a genuine campus tour guide has led people to WSSU, and even caused folks to suggest WSSU to their peers. There are a lot of freshmen and sophomores who have told me, “Hey, you gave me my tour,” and that really makes my day.
What advice would you offer to future students who may be considering WSSU?
Well, of course, schedule a tour if you haven’t yet. But I will advise them to be greedy when it comes to scholarships and grants! There’s so much money in the world for you. I would also tell them to come to college without a major plan. Come in with one goal in mind, and that’s getting your degree. College is filled with trials and tribulations, but also opportunities. Do your part, which is pursuing your degree, have fun and be open to all opportunities!
What is your favorite selfie spot on campus and why?
My favorite selfie spot is wherever that natural light is. WSSU campus is so beautiful when the sun shines directly on it, any spot on campus is a good spot.
What is the most unusual question you’ve been asked on a tour, and how did you answer it?
I’m usually asked simple yet great questions. I recently was asked, “Do students have a curfew?” I giggled, and simply said, No. But I did tell them about our RAMcard policy, that you need it to get on campus from 8:30 p.m.-4 a.m.
What is your favorite location on campus to show during a tour?
My favorite site/location is DJR (Donald J. Reaves Student Activities Center). It’s the icing on the cake! The fresh bread smell from Subway and seeing the student-to-student interaction makes my tour group feel at home. It’s really where incoming students tell themselves “I want to be a Ram.”
What is the best part of being a Ram?
I am a first-generation college student, and I am also the first in my family to be a part of a Black Greek-lettered organization. So being a Ram to me is very personal because of the opportunity WSSU has given to me. Three years have changed me and my family forever. I started a new era that I am beyond grateful for. The best part about being a Ram is that no matter where you come from, what you did in your past, or even your sexual preference, you can be somebody! There’s nothing you can’t be or do here at WSSU.
Did you take a campus tour at WSSU? How important was it in your decision to attend WSSU?
I did! My campus tour was facilitated by a friend who was already attending the university. I was so excited. I felt a sense of welcome and warmth. WSSU was always my number one. I did so much research on the school before I came that it felt like I was already a Ram!
Prospective students and their families can schedule a campus tour online.
WSSU students who are interested in becoming a Campus Ambassador can contact 336-750-2949 or email