Winston-Salem State University to host Career Expo with over 100 employers and graduate schools
Winston-Salem State University is setting students up for success. On September 15, more than 100 employers and graduate schools will be on campus for a Career Expo.
WSSU is consistently ranked among the best in the nation for social mobility and has been rated number one in the University of North Carolina System for students having jobs in North Carolina after graduation. Events like the one happening in the Donald Julian Reaves Student Activities Center are part of the reason why. The university’s department of Career Development Services works with students during all phases of their journey, assisting them with job search and interview strategies as well as helping them to identify and sharpen the skills that distinguish them as professionals.
At the career fair, students will have the opportunity to interact with potential employers in a variety of industries, learn about prospective graduate programs, hear from WSSU alumni about their experience at different companies and win cash. Career Development Services will be giving $350 checks to four students.

Those who attend are encouraged to bring their resume and dress in business professional attire.