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Ethical Standards and Rules Governing Employment

Code of Ethics

The same respect for the pursuit and transmission of knowledge that underlies academic freedom also demands self-discipline and rigorous intellectual honesty from all faculty members. As scholars and teachers, they are obligated to be fair, unselfish, responsible, and on occasion self-critical. Students' moral and intellectual growth requires a climate where ethical standards prevail, and the creation of such a climate is a primary responsibility of the faculty. The following statements do not define all areas of faculty ethics, but they do suggest guidelines for professional conduct for the faculty at Winston-Salem State University. Please refer to the WSSU Ethics Policy, which immediately follows these statements, for more information.

  1.  The primary responsibility of the faculty member is the transmission and discovery of knowledge.
  2. The general attitude of the faculty member toward the rules and regulations of the university should be one of understanding and support. However, when rules seem unjust, the faculty member may take the prescribed steps to alter or remove them.
  3. When there is conflict of ideas or activities between faculty members, they should discuss problems in an amiable manner. If a solution cannot be found by this means, the matter should be presented to the appropriate administrative officer, who shall act as arbiter.
  4. In advising students about the selection of courses, faculty should be careful to deal fairly with the reputations of their colleagues.
  5. In advising students about the selection of courses, faculty should be careful to deal fairly with the reputations of their colleagues.
  6. Information gained by observation or conveyed in trust from students or faculty should be held in strictest confidence, and faculty members should be careful to protect students' legal and moral rights to privacy.
  7. Faculty members should refrain from counseling in fields in which they have not had special training. If situations arise requiring special counseling, students should be directed by faculty to the appropriate office.
  8. Only the chairperson or secretary of a faculty committee is authorized to make announcements of committee actions. No committee member should reveal information of a sensitive nature (or any information about personnel matters) in such a way as to prejudice and jeopardize committee deliberations and recommendations.
  9. Faculty should develop a consistent and fair system of grading. Students have the right to have their work returned and to review their grades.
  10. Faculty members should be actively concerned with those aspects of the general welfare of their students that affect the education process.
  11. Faculty should secure permission and give credit for the use of original student contributions in their lectures or publications in the same manner and to the same degree as for borrowed materials from other sources. They should not, in any case, use students to their detriment to foster research, publications, or other personal ventures.
  12. Faculty, who rightfully seek academic freedom for themselves, should be extremely careful to accord students the same freedom.
  13. Faculty should not tutor students for pay except under conditions known and approved by responsible authorities.
  14. Faculty members should make their abilities and influence available for service to the community.
  15. Faculty members should not undertake external activities that would interfere with the performance of their duties at Winston-Salem State University. (Refer to the section of this chapter on "External Professional Activity")
  16. Faculty should refrain from making public statements about confidential subjects within Winston- Salem State University. All departmental or institutional matters not intended for publication or broadcast should be maintained in strict confidence.
  17. Because of the position of trust they occupy, faculty members must be careful to avoid any behavior that could be considered sexual harassment and relationships with students that are considered improper. Please refer to the section later in this chapter regarding sexual harassment for more information.