Academic Budget & Faculty Affairs
As the administrative unit in the Division of Academic Affairs, the Office of Administration is responsible for the allocation of academic affairs resources.

Dr. Frank Ingram
Associate Provost for Academic Budgets and the Office of Faculty Affairs
The Associate Provost for Academic Budgets and the Office of Faculty Affairs reports directly to the provost and works closely with the provost on a wide variety of administrative duties. These include promoting and supporting the mission and values of the university; overseeing the administrative, operational, and financial affairs of the Division of Academic Affairs and areas under the provost’s areas of responsibility; serving as a primary liaison between the provost and the various associate provosts, academic deans, department chairs, program coordinators, and faculty to execute plans relative to budgetary management, staffing and hiring, facilities management within academic buildings, and sponsored research and indirect cost recovery funds.
In addition, the associate provost oversees all operations of the Office of the Provost, including management of support and administrative staff, creation of and adherence to policies and procedures, and management of a comprehensive annual budget. The Offices of Faculty Affairs and Sponsored Programs and Research report this office.