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Backwards Design

Winston-Salem State University uses the backwards design methodology for course design.  Backwards design asks us to decide what the target is for our course, program and/or curriculum.

It asks us first of all to describe what the learner will be able to do at the end of the course or program and use in their real life.  It’s like using a GPS on a road trip.  You input your target or final destination in the GPS and it will tell you how to get there, which roads to take, when to turn left or right.  And some GPS displays show you photos of road signs along the way.

Here is a course design document that will walk you through the backwards design process.  You can download this file and work on it digitally, or print and write on it if you wish.  I work on this in Google docs so that I can access it from any computer.

Course Design Document:   Quality by Design, ReDesign 

CITI will be offering course design workshops throughout the year.  Watch our blog and your WSSU email for announcements about our various workshops.  We can also work with you individually to create, or recreate, an amazing course!

Presentation: Backwards Course Design