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Community Standards and Civility Mediation

Mediation is generally defined as the intervention in a negotiation or conflict of an acceptable third party who has limited or no authoritative decision-making power, who assists the involved parties to voluntarily reach a mutually acceptable settlement of the issues in dispute. In addition to addressing substantive issues, mediation may also establish or strengthen relationships of trust and respect between parties or terminate relationships in a manner that minimizes emotional costs and psychological harm.

Christopher W. Moore

Moore, Christopher W. The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2003

Mediation is one of the many tools the Office of Community Standards & Civility uses to assist students resolve conflicts. Mediation allows parties to stay in control of their own situations, rather than turning over control to another person (whether it be a higher level of administration, a hearing officer or arbitrator, or anyone else in a position of authority). It is a constructive process and enables parties to be heard and to sort through their issues effectively through communication. The agreement derived belongs to the parties. Any agreement reached in mediation belongs to those involved: they, not the mediator, are responsible for reaching (or not reaching) agreement.

Mediation is coordinated via the  Office of Community Standards & Civility. Mediation is done by either a staff member from the  Office of Community Standards & Civility, Hall-Director from Housing and Residence Life, and/or Area Coordinator from Housing and Residence Life. There are two ways in which persons can avail themselves to mediation.

Violating Mediation Agreements

Mediations address student behavior that most likely represents WSSU policy violations. If the agreement is broken, then the student conduct process will ensue for failing to comply with University processes. In cases where WSSU policies are not involved the cases are referred to the appropriate person(s).

For example, if one student owes a second student money after borrowing it from the second student. If a mediation agreement dictates that the money be paid by a certain time, etc. and is not honored by the first student, then the second student will be referred to Campus police to file a report and advised that they can use small claims court to attempt to get their money back. A new mediation agreement can also be drafted if all parties agree. Contact the Office of Community Standards & Civility if you desire mediation at 336-750-3356.

Supervisor of Faculty or Staff

If you have issues, or concerns, with faculty or staff persons. Contact that persons’ supervisor. They will be able to assist you with most disputes concerning faculty or staff.