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How to Start a Sports Club

All sports clubs begin as recognized student organizations. To begin a new sports club a student should follow the following procedures to become a recognized student organization. 

Recognition of Student Organizations

  1. Submit a constitution to Office of Student Activities and Engagement for approval (models for constitutions can be obtained in the Office of Student Activities and Engagement).
  2. Submit a list of officers (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) and the name of the organization's faculty advisor.
  3. Submit a statement signed by the organization president and faculty advisor which specifies membership will be on the basis of individual merit and free from discrimination because of race, creed, national origin, or handicap.
  4. The treasurer and president of each organization must attend the Student Organization Finance Workshop prior to gaining recognition.

Criteria for Acceptance as a Sport Club

The club's purpose and activity must be appropriate and consistent with the purpose and philosophy of the Department of University Recreation. Sufficient student interest must be shown by an active membership that is in accordance with the rules & regulations set forth by the Office of Student Activities and Engagement. Suitable facilities must be available for practice and competition. The club must be financially self-reliant and continue to operate this way for one semester. Other programs offered elsewhere on campus must not currently meet the students' interest and needs. 


Benefits of Recognition

Recognition of a student organization should be considered a privilege. It enables groups to become an official part of the university and provides a means of coordinating and communicating information about the organization's purposes and membership opportunities. Benefits extended to recognize student organizations include use of university facilities and services, use of the university's name and eligibility to apply for student activity fee allocations. Specific facilities and services available include:

  • Leadership and personal development
  • University student center meeting rooms, classrooms, buildings, and grounds.
  • Posting privileges

WInston-Salem State University Recreation


Recruitment can be done in a variety of ways. The Student Involvement Fair is conducted for the purpose of generating interest about campus organizations. It is a convenient, inexpensive way to advertise new membership openings. Membership could be further boosted by asking a member of each present organization to bring a friend to the next meeting.  QR codes for GroupMe can be posted in University Recreation to help promote the club. 

Current students, faculty and staff may participate in club sports.  A student is eligible for extracurricular activities if they are registered for the semester in which their name appears as a member on a student organization roster. Some activities may involve special requirements.  Some club governing bodies or tournament hosts may limit club participation to students only.