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Assessment Plans

To help WSSU engage in a culture of assessment, all academic, student support, and administrative units at Winston-Salem State University are required to develop assessment plans, which state the unit's outcomes and how they intend to measure those outcomes (assessment method). Assessment plans should be developed with the unit and university's mission and strategic goals in mind. The graphic below illustrates the assessment cycle.

Assessment plan flow chart of how to Plan, Assess, Use Results

Since 2007, assessment plans have been reported through Nuventive Improve, the university's assessment management system. Assessment plans and reports are provided to relevant stakeholders as needed.

Types of Nuventive Improve Assessment Plans

Major-Level Assessment Plans

Student learning outcomes for academic majors are reported through major-level assessment plans.

Department-Level Assessment Plans

Process-oriented outcomes for academic departments are reported through department-level assessment plans.

Administrative-Level Assessment Plans

Efficiency, effectiveness, customer service, and other relevant outcomes (e.g., student learning) for administrative units are reported through administrative-level assessment plans.

Assessment plans/reports are discussed during training sessions and meetings of the university’s assessment committees. Assessment plans/reports are also reviewed annually during the assessment audit process.