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Facilities Operation/Maintenance

The mission of the Facilities Operations/Maintenance management is to provide a physical environment and services so that buildings, utilities and landscape are functional, attractive and safe for teaching, learning and recreation.

The Facilities Operation/Maintenance department provides services throughout the campus as bulleted below. To request services, use the "Work Request" link on the left-hand side of this page. To receive an update on any particular request for service please contact 336-750-2883. Users must provide funding if their request is for items out of the scope of routine maintenance or if the request is due to personal preference (people pleasers).

The Department has established a Building Coordinator Program which is structured so that each building has a designated building coordinator(s). The building coordinator coordinates and facilitates the efficient use of Facilities Operations/Maintenance services so that user needs can be effectively managed.

Facilities Operation/Maintenance provides routine and corrective maintenance, preventative maintenance and non-routine maintenance to ensure operations of University buildings and campus lighting. The Facilities Operations/Maintenance Department has 6 areas of operation, zones 1 - 6. The zones that are relevant to the general WSSU population include:

  1. Zone 1 - Operations & Building Coordinator
  2. Zone 2 - Academics Auxiliaries Buildings
  3. Zone 3 - Residence/Housing Buildings
  4. Zone 4 - Warehouse Inventory
  5. Zone 5 - Locksmith Shop
  6. Zone 6 - Boiler Plant

Facilities Operations

  • Heating and Cooling
  • Electrical and Lighting
  • Building Interiors, Exteriors & other Components (i.e. - painting, light carpentry, doors, etc.)
  • Elevator and Fire Alarm
  • Warehouse Inventory & Equipment
  • Building Utilities
  • Plumbing, Chiller Water and Steam Distribution system
  • Building Auxiliary and Campus Emergencies

Routine, Non-Routine, Corrective, Preventive and Emergency Maintenance

  • Maintenance - work that needs to be done daily, weekly, and monthly
  • Non-routine maintenance - reactive and emergency routine maintenance; unscheduled work requiring immediate action to restore services to remove problems that could interrupt activities or protect life and property
  • Corrective maintenance - repair or replacement of obsolete, worn, broken or inoperative building subcomponents or subsystems; unplanned/non-emergency involving a moderate to major repair or correction requiring skilled labor
  • Preventive maintenance - planned and control of periodic inspection, adjustment, lubrication and replacement of components
  • Emergency maintenance response - an emergency is defined as any disaster, unusual occurrence, utility malfunction or equipment failure that presents imminent danger to life and limb or property or the continuation of vital programs which require immediate action.