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Article Review Process

The Article Review Process is designed to assure that the Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Research, Education and Policy (JBPHPD: Res, Educ and Policy) publishes only original, cutting edge and scientifically sound articles that contribute to the body of knowledge related to diversity in health care professions and the research, education and policy that support it.

Each article will be evaluated by the Associate Editor based on its relevancy, originality, appropriate methodology, and valid and reliable data, reasonable conclusions supported by the data, accuracy, and suitability for publication. All articles will be assigned a manuscript number upon submission.

If the article is recommended for publication, it will then be forwarded for editorial peer-review. Each peer-reviewer will be asked to judge the technical validity of the manuscript, the specific merits and/or deficiencies of the work and the extent of its ability to advance the issue of diversity beyond articles previously published.

Peer-reviewers are requested to complete the following forms, which can be accessed on-line: 'Reviewer Sign-up,' 'Reviewer Response,' 'Manuscript Review,' and the 'Confidential Reviewer Comments to Authors.' Completing these forms on-line expedites the review process allowing for quicker transmission of completed reviews. Please note that considerable significance is attached to these review reports.

Based on that evaluation, the article may be recommended for acceptance, acceptance with revisions, rejection or referred to another journal. Peer-reviewers are requested to include detailed comments explaining their recommendations.

It takes a minimum of two months after receipt of the manuscript to accomplish the evaluation and review steps discussed above.

The author will receive written notice regarding the outcome of the review process and if applicable be requested to provide any missing information, clarity on inconsistencies in references, etc. Revised and re-submitted manuscripts will then be copyedited by the Managing Editor who will perform only a light edit to correct grammar and/or punctuation errors, insure written clarity, readability, and adherence to the AP Manual of Style. No substantial changes will be incorporated into the text so that the author's voice is retained.